Hacking and its Types

What is hacking?
Hacking is identifying weaknesses in computer systems or networks to gain access to data using password. Hacking means use computers to commit fraudulent acts such as privacy, invasion, stealing corporate and personal data etc. Cyber crimes organizations spend millions of dollars every day. Computers need to protect themselves against such attacks.
Who is hacker?
A hacker is a person who finds the weakness in computer system or networks to gain access. They are unauthorized users who break into computer systems in order to steal and harm your system.
Types of hacker:
  1. Ethical Hackers
  2. Crackers
  3. Grey Hat Hackers
  4. Script Kiddies
  5. Hacktivist
  6. Phreaker

Ethical Hackers:
Ethical hackers are also known as White hat hackers. They never try to damage a system; rather they find the weakness in a computer or a network system. Ethical hacking is not illegal and it is one of the most demanding systems available in the industry.

Crackers are also known as Black hat hackers. Cracker hackers damage system or steal sensitive information to gain unauthorized access. Cracker hacking is illegal because of its bad intent which include damaging system, blocking network communication etc.

Grey Hat Hackers:
Grey hat hacker fall somewhere in the category between white hat and blue hat hacker. Grey hat hackers have illegal authorized access .They work with both good and bad intentions. It all depends upon the hacker.

Script Kiddies:
Script kiddies are the most harmful people in terms of hackers. They attempt to attack computer system and networks. Their object is to impress their friends and society.

Hacktivist are those hackers who intent to gain unauthorized access to the government’s computer files and system networks. Most hacktivism involves website defacement or denial of-service attacks.

Phreaker is a hacker who finds the weakness in telephone rather than computer systems. Phreaking involved reverse engineering the specific tones used by phone companies to route long distance calls. By emulating those tones, phreaks could make free calls around the world.

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  1. Replies
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