Privacy Policy

Following privacy policy tells that what type of information we may collect and how we can use this information. Privacy of users is our top priority. By using our website you are agree to our privacy policy.

Types of information that we may collect

 Basic personal information
Registration and account information such as phone number, name, email address, birthday, nationality, and your city, etc.

Service data information
We may collect device information like mobile device ID, device model, WIFI MAC address etc. We may also save device operation status, logs of operation, operating system information and location information. Information about links shared through email or social media accounts may be collected by us.

How we may use collected information
  • To provide our Services to You, to communicate with You about Your use of the Services, to respond to Your inquiries, to fulfill Your orders, and for other customer service purposes, which may include communicating with You via email
  • To enhance your experiences while using the Website or the Services of our website.
  • For users loyalty programs
  • we may share collected data with our ad partners and service providers
  • For marketing and promotional purposes.

Rights you have about your data

Following are the rights you have about your data:
  • Right to access data.
  • Right to request erasure of personal data.
  • Right to request the transfer of personal data.
  • Right to request a correction.

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