Most beautiful humanoid robots in the world:

Jia Jia:

Jia Jia is the most beautiful robot in the China. University of Science and Technology of china developed this stunning humanoid robot. She can move her eyes and walk with people just like a common people.

She tries to recognize the expression and behavior with her eyes. She also has the ability to recognize different faces because of amazing technologies used in it.


It is the first humanoid robot that has got human citizenship. She is a citizen of Saudi Arabian. A company in Hong Kong Hanson Robotics developed this charming robot. Sophia has given many interviews and Visited many countries.

She is able to make conversation and reply many questions asked for her. Her ability to understand and response human gestures and expression move her eyes, control her arms and legs, make her an extraordinary robot.


Erica is the prettiest robot developed in Japan. Hiroshi Ishiguro, director of Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at Osaka University is the creator of this gorgeous robot. She has special speaking skills. She can make conversation and show her facial expressions.

She has special type of sensors in her eyes because of which she can move her eyes and understand human gestures and expressions. She is a remarkable robot and also has facial recognition technology in it.

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