Artificial Intelligence


In 1950 English Mathematician Alan Turing wrote a landmark paper titled 'Computing Machinery and Intelligence' that asked the question: "can machine think?"

Further work came out in 1956 workshop at Dartmouth sponsored by John McCarthy. In the proposal for that workshop, he coined the phrase  “Study of Artificial Intelligence”.

AI is the study of computer systems that attempt to model and apply the intelligence of human mind. AI makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human like tasks. For example problem solving, learning and planning. It is a very popular type that plays a great role in the field of technology.

Google Now, Siri and Cortana are all intelligent digital personal assistants on various platforms. If we talk in short, they help to find useful information when we ask for it using our voice.

We can use them to make calls, set message, set reminders, take note, recognize music, find great restaurants, and check your calendar and more.Siri is one of the most popular assistant offered by apple in iphone and ipad.

Ai have taken many shapes and many forms over recent year like in mobile phones (siri, cortana), in video games in GPS/voice recognition and the most important form in robotics.

AI allows mobile apps to learn from data generated by the user mobile developers are adapting quickly to changing innovations.

In video games, AI is used to generate responsive, adaptive or intelligent behaviors primarily in non-player characters similar to human like intelligence modern games often implement existing techniques such as path finding and decision trees to guide the actions of NPCS.

Robotics packaging uses forms of AI frequently for quicker, lower cast and more accurate packaging. Now many robots are working in different field like human beings. Many tasks that are different for human beings can be done with the help of AI.

AI provides many incredible benefits for the life of human beings. With the help of AI human being can do the work in short time. AI plays a great role in different fields.

AI is going to change the world more than anything in the history of mankind. It can be seen that in coming years AI come with more improvements, development and governance.

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