Top Programming Languages

If we see deeply there are many computers languages that are used for different purposes. The demand and popularity of these programming languages changes every year, and also new languages are introduced with the most amazing features but the question is that which programming languages we must learn. I have discussed about five most demanding languages that we should learn:


Python is most widely used programming language with the variety of different applications. Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1990s. Python is considered as the top programming language overall.

At the beginning level python tried to overcome the barriers of programming, even school kids can also write production grade code.

Common Uses

The main use cases in which python is used:

·        Artificial Intelligence

·        Deep Learning

·        Web Development

·        Data Science

·        Data Analytics

·        Games Applications


We cannot use python for the applications of mobile development.

Job Availability

It is considered that Python developers make a highest salary as compared to other programming languages. It is the most demanding programming language in USA Job market with the highest number of Job and Average Annual salary $120K in 2020.

Companies working on java

·        Google

·        Quora

·        Facebook

·        Instagram

·        Paytm

·        Spotify

·        Netflix


Java is strictly backward compatible language, which is commonly associated with the development of client server applications, which is used by large business around the world.

 Java’s runtime, Java Virtual Machine is standard of software engineering and the best virtual machines in the market.

Common Uses

The main use cases in which java is used:

·        Android mobile Operating System

·        Large Data

·        Enterprise Application development

·        Web Development


Platform limitations (available only for Macintosh, Window 95/NT, Sun Solaris)

Java is not optimal for applications that run on the cloud as averse to the server.

Job Availability

Java is also the most demanding language in the world. Java developers make the annual salary $104,000 because its outstanding features include powerful memory management, best performance, backward compatible, top-notch security and provides many jobs in the market.

Companies working on java

·        HCL

·        Qualcomm

·        Flipkart

·        Adobe

·        Amazon

·        Intuit


These are popular high languages. C was developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1972. The C language was originally designed to write system programs under UNIX operating system. Its power and flexibility made it popular in industry for wide range of applications.

Bjarne StrouStrup from Bell labs started the development of C++ language in 1980. The first commercial release of the language appeared in October 1985. It was originally named “C” with classes. It was an enhancement to C language. It allows the use of a programming technique known as Object Oriented programming.

Common Uses

The main use cases in which C and C++ is used:

·        System programming

·        Game Development

·        IOT and real-time system

·        Machine learning

·        Deep learning

·        Embedded systems

·        Distributed systems


If we talk about C language, its syntax is complex and not suitable for more modern use cases such as website or mobile application. The C++ language is complicated as compared to other programming because of its complex syntax.

It also does not support run-time checking, which is a method of detecting errors or defects while software is running.

Job Availability

If we see in USA market, there are 28k jobs posting for only c developers. C++ is considered a very demanding programming language with 41k jobs posting. Also C++ developers make $108k per annum which places it in 5th place.

Companies working on C/C++

·        Adobe

·        Oracle

·        HP

·        Spotify

·        eBay

·        Huawei

·        IBM

·        PhonePe


For developing interactive websites, javascript is the most popular language. When combined with Node.js, Javascript can be used to produce web content on the server before a page is sent to the browser; it can be used to develop games and communication applications that run directly in the browser.

Common Uses

The main use cases in which Javascript is used:

·        Web development

·        Backend Development

·        Mobile App Development

·        Serverless Computing

·        Browser Game Development


JavaScript does not have any multiprocessor capabilities and also it cannot be used for networking applications.

Job Availability

In the USA Job market, indeed JavaScript has been ranked as the third most demanding programming languages with 57k jobs posting in 2020 with $114k average year salary.

Companies Working on JavaScript

·        Google

·        Dell

·        Facebook

·        eBay

·        paypal

·        Uber


PHP is another programming language developed by a software engineer Rasmus Lerdorf to create dynamic web applications. Later, many features were added to PhP.

Now it is one of the highly productive server-side web development programming languages. In the market, there are many successful and stable PHP frameworks.

Common uses

The main use cases in which PHP is used:

·        Developing CMS Systems

·        Server-side web application development

·        Standalone web application on development


PHP popularity has dropped because python and Javascript have gained popularity.

Not suitable for large applications.

Poor error handling method.

Job Availability

In USA job market, PHP has been ranked as the 7th most demanding programming languages with 18k jobs in 2020 and their developers can expect an average year salary $90k.

Companies working on PHP:

·        Oracle

·        HCL

·        Motorola   

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